Monday, 17 February 2014

Positive Thinking

 My girlfriend has commented multiple times on the fact that the majority, if not all, of my previous blogs have been somewhat negative. I personally disagree with this observation as I feel that by highlighting negative elements of my life that are reflected within other people's existences I am offering some form of comfort, like an on-line support worker. I do agree however that whilst I try to offer support and guidance, I focus primarily on the negative aspects of life. I am therefore glad to inform my readers that I have in fact followed my own advice to a level of success. In the last few days I have won a contract to write up a selection of business copy for an independent marketing agency and secured an intern-ship within a London based magazine company ( I will keep the identity of the company private for the meantime on the off chance they do not want to be mentioned in an personal blog.)
 Both these opportunities came relatively out of the blue and coupled with my involvement with the local basketball team, the pieces are starting to slot into place. I don't write this to gloat or to make myself feel superior, hence the lack of self-indulgent Facebook statuses or tweets, but to prove that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel as long as you apply yourself.
 The feeling I get from the majority of my post-graduation friends is of negativity. People are all too ready to concede at the first road block. I don't want to be the voice of hypocrisy by claiming that I never felt down or like I was never going to succeed. I well know how dramatic I can be at times, in fact only a few short weeks ago you would have thought I had viewed my own future in a Nostradamus-esque fashion and could only see despair, pestilence and plague ahead. We all have our ups and downs, some more than others, but at the end of the day a negative attitude doesn't foretell a negative outcome. None of us are psychic and as such should all live in the frame of mind that things might actually work out. We cannot predict the bad things ahead so have no ability to prevent them, the best we can do is be aware that they might occur and try our damnedest to work through them as quickly as possible whilst remaining alive to the presence of a sliver lining. It is all too easy to forget the good things in your life when there comes a stumbling point. Keep these highlights at the forefront of your mind and use them like a Patronus charm to keep the bad thoughts at bay.
 I guess that's easy to say when I have been given good news recently but I truly hope that this resonates with just a single person who reads the message and helps them, or you if that is the case, to muddle through when things look bleak.